





by  梁兴文,科学出版社,2011



Time-Dependent Behaviour of Concrete Structures
by  Raymond Ian Gilbert and Gianluca Ranzi, Spon Press,

Taylor & Francis Groups, London & New York, 2011


   Serviceability failures of concrete structures involving excessive cracking or deflection are relatively common, even in structures that comply with code requirements. This is often as a result of a failure to adequately account for the time-dependent deformations of concrete in the design of the structure. Design for serviceability is complicated by the non-linear and inelastic behaviour of concrete at service loads. The serviceability provisions embodied in codes of practice are relatively crude and, in some situations, may be unreliable and often do not adequately model the in-service behaviour of structures. In particular, they fail to realistically account for the effects of creep and shrinkage of the concrete.
   Providing detailed information, this book assists engineers to rationally predict the time-varying deformation of concrete structures under typical in-service conditions. It gives analytical methods to help anticipate time-dependent cracking, the gradual change in tension stiffening with time, creep-induced deformations and the load independent strains caused by shrinkage and temperature changes. Calculation procedures are illustrated with many worked examples. Avital guide for practising engineers and advanced students of structural engineering on the design of concrete structures for serviceability, providing a penetrating insight into the time-dependent behaviour of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures.
   Raymond Ian Gilbert is Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of New South Wales and currently holds an Australian Research Council Australian Professorial Fellowships. He has over 35 years experience in structural design and is a specialist in the analysis and design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures.
  Gianluca Ranzi is a Senior Lecturer of Structural Engineering at the University of Sydney, specialising in the analysis and design of concrete and composite steel-concrete structures.